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13.03.2009 17:21 - 26.03. - 11.04.2009 г. ПАНОРАМА НА БЛИЗКОИЗТОЧНО КИНО
Автор: perde Категория: Изкуство   
Прочетен: 865204 Коментари: 390 Гласове:

Последна промяна: 24.03.2009 12:12




"Цветята на Корана"

Филми на Мохсен Махмалбаф, Надир Мокнеш, Бахман Гобади, Маджид Маджиди, Самира Махмалбаф, Еран Риклис, Юмит Юнал

От 26 Март 2009 г. до 11 Април 2009 г., в Club Comics от 20:00 часа зрителите във Варна ще имат възможност да видят непоказвани досега в България шедьоври на режисьори от Близкия изток като Мохсен Махмалбаф, Еран Риклис, Юмит Юнал и Самира Махмалбаф. 

Залата ще бъде оборудвана с централен екран и саунд, над 150 седящи места, VIP зона с маси.

Продуцентска къща “Артин Вижън”, с подкрепата на Сдружение “Позор” и Сдружение “Перде”  ще представи филмовата панорама на близкоизточно кино - “Цветята на Корана”. 


26 МАРТ 2009 г.   Официално откриване на Панорама на близкоизточно кино „ЦВЕТЯТА НА КОРАНА”   Начало: 20:00 часа
КОСТЕНУРКИТЕ МОГАТ ДА ЛЕТЯТ - TURTLES CAN FLY/2004/-Иран/Франция/Ирак,98мин. реж. Бахман Гобади, със Соран Ибрахим, Аваз Латиф, Абдул Рахман Карим   Трогателна история за деца, които обезвреждат мини на турско-иранската граница. Всички в малките селца около границата искат да гледат телевизия и да разберат как протичат военните действия в страната. Малкият Соран е единственият, който може да монтира телевизионните антени. Поглед към войната в Близкия Изток, през очите на обикновените селяни, живеещи в малки населени места някъде сред пустошта. „Костенурките могат да летят” е най-награждаваният ирански филм за последните 5 години.   Награди и номинации: МФФ Берлин – „Кристална мечка”, Награда за мир; МФФ Ротердам – Награда на публиката; МФФ Сан Себастиан – „Златна раковина” за най-добър филм; МФФ Сао Пауло – Награда на публиката, Специална награда на журито; МФФ Тбилиси – „Златен Прометей” за най-добър филм; МФФ Мексико Сити – Награда за най-добър филм, Награда на публиката; МФФ Исфахан – „Златна пеперуда” за най-добър филм; МФФ Торонто – Официална селекция; МФФ Пусан – Официална селекция; МФФ Чикаго – Официална селекция; МФФ Солун – Официална програма; МФФ Рейкявик – Официална селекция; МФФ Тайпе – Официална програма; МФФ Хонг Конг – Официална програма.



28 МАРТ 2009 г.   СПЕЦИАЛИТЕТ ПАЛОМА - DELICE PALOMA /2007/ - Алжир-Франция, 134 мин., реж. Надир Мокнеш, с Биюна, Надя Каси, Айлин Пранди, Даниел Лунд  
Начало: 20:00 часа

Алжирският режисьор Надир Мокнеш кани отново своите любими актриси Биюна и Надя Каси, за да изпълнят ролите на собственичката на агенция за запознанства мадам Алджирия и нейната красива подчинена Шехерезада. Двете се опитват да разрешат проблемите на хората, потърсили услугите на компанията им. Скоро в агенцията постъпва на работа Палома, красавица, която ще промени ежедневието както на хората, които работят в агенцията, така и на клиентите. Красиви гледки от алжирския бряг, вкусни ориенталски специалитети и пленяващи източни ритми.   Награди и номинации: Награда „Люмиер” за най-добър френскоезичен филм; МФФ Кайро – Официална селекция; МФФ Лисабон – Официална селекция; МФФ Рио де Жанейро – Официална праграма; МФФ Бейрут – Официална селекция



31 МАРТ 2009 г.  
БАРАН - BARAN /2001/ - Иран, 94 мин., реж. Маджид Маджиди, с Хосейн Абедини, Захра Бахрами, Амир Наджи, Реза Наджи
Начало: 20:00 часа

Латиф е 17-годишно момче, което работи на строителен обект, ръководен от бригадира Мемар. Работата на Латиф е да приготвя чай и храна за работниците, с които е в непрекъснат конфликт. Един ден Наджаф пада от строежа и чупи крака си. На негово място идва да работи синът му Рахмат. Бригадирът Мемар забелязва, че работата е доста тежка за момчето и решава да размени неговите задължения с тези на Латиф. Това вбесява Латиф и той започва да преследва Рахмат. Новото момче крие тайна, която не трябва да бъде разкрита. От режисьора на „Децата на Рая” и „Цветът на Рая”.
Награди и номинации:
  МФФ Монреал – „Гран При”; Награда на екуменическото жури, МФФ Фаджр – Награди за най-добър филм и най-добър режисьор ; МФФ Гийон – Награди за режисура и сценарий; Европейски филмови награди – номинация за Маджид Маджиди; МФФ Торонто – Официална селекция; МФФ Карлови Вари – Официална селекция; МФФ Ротердам – Официална програма


2 АПРИЛ 2009 г.   В ПЕТ СЛЕДОБЕД - AT FIVE IN THE AFTERNOON /2003/ - Иран – Франция, 105 мин., реж. Самира Махмалбаф, с Агхеле Резай, Абдолгани Юсефрази, Рази Мохеби  
Начало: 20:00 часа

Нокре е млада жена, която осъзнава, че ролята на жената съвсем не е само да чете молитви и да се грижи за близките си. Но това, което вълнува семейството й е изчезването на любимия им син. Нокре, заедно с баща си, своята снаха и нейното новородено тръгват на дълъг път през афганистанската пустиня, за да го търсят.   Награди и номинации: МФФ Кан – Награда на журито, Награда на екуменическото жури, Номинация за „Златна палма”; МФФ Индия – „Златен паун” за най-добър филм; МФФ Торонто – Официална селекция; МФФ Лондон – Официална селекция; МФФ Солун – Официална селекция; МФФ Копенхаген – Официална селекция; МФФ Карлови Вари – Официална програма; МФФ Дъблин – Официална програма; МФФ Монреал – Официална програма



4 АПРИЛ 2009 г.   БУЛКАТА ОТ СИРИЯ – THE SYRIAN BRIDE /2004/ - Израел/Франция/Германия, 97 мин., реж. Еран Риклис, с Хиам Аббас, Клара Кхури, Макрам Кхури, Ашраф Бархом
Начало: 20:00 часа

Историята на момиче от Израел, което трябва да се омъжи за сириец, когото е виждала само в телевизионни предавания. Веднъж прекрачила израелско-сирийската граница, тя няма право никога повече да се завърне при семейството си. Най-награждаваният филм на Еран Риклис, най-награждаваният израелски режисьор. Музиката към филма е записана от оркестъра на Българското национално радио, а композиторът Сирил Морин е номиниран от Европейската филмова академия за най-добра музика, написана специално за филма.
Награди и номинации: МФФ Локарно - Наградата на публиката; МФФ Монреал – Награда на ФИПРЕССИ, Награда на публиката; Фландърски филмов фестивал – Награда за сценарий, Награда на публиката; Европейски филмови награди – номинации за най-добра актриса /Хиам Аббас/и музика;     МФФ Банкок – номинация за най-добър филм; Награди на Израелската филмова академия – номинации за режисура, главна мъжка роля /Макрам Кхури/, главна женска роля /Хиам Аббас/, поддържаща женска роля /Клара Кхури/, сценарий, монтаж, костюми; МФФ Карлови Вари – Официална селекция; МФФ Чикаго – Официална селекция; МФФ Маракеш – Официална селекция; МФФ Сиатъл – Официална програма; МФФ Копенхаген – Официална селекция; МФФ Истанбул – Официална селекция; МФФ Рио де Жанейро – Официална програма



7 АПРИЛ 2009 г.

ВИВА АЛЖИР - VIVA LALDGERIE /2004/ - Алжир-Франция, 113 мин., реж. Надир Мокнеш, с Любна Азабал, Биюна, Надя Каси, Аббес Захмани  
Начало: 20:00 часа

Животът на три жени, живеещи в общежитие в центъра на Алжир. Папича – бивша кабаретна звезда, която си мечтае да се завърне на сцената, дъщеря й Гусем – свободомислеща съвременна жена, която работи във фотографско студио и има връзка с женен мъж, и Фифи – нахакана проститутка, убедена, че светът се върти около нея. Три красиви жени срещу общоприетите правила на фона на изтънчени ориенталски танци и огнени източни ритми.
  Награди и номинации: МФФ Флоренция – Специална награда; МФФ Солун – номинация за „Златен Александър” ; МФФ Карлови Вари – Програма ”Хоризонти”; МФФ Кайро – Официална програма; МФФ Фебио – Официална програма; МФФ Белград – Официална селекция; МФФ Ротердам – Официална програма; МФФ Гьотеборг – Официална селекция; МФФ Дъблин – Официална селекция; МФФ Мюнхен – Официална програма.



9 АПРИЛ 2009 г.

ПЛАЧЪТ НА МРАВКИТЕ - SCREAM OF THE ANTS /2006/ - Иран – Франция, 85 мин., реж. Мохсен Махмалбаф, с Махмуд Чокролахи, Махнур Шадзи, Карл Маас

Начало: 20:00 часа
  История за иранска двойка, която пътешества из Индия и опознава отблизо традициите и ритуалите на местното население. Зрителите стават свидетели на обичаи като индийска сватба и традиционното къпане във водите на река Ганг. Едно приказно пътуване из непознатите индийски тайнства, видени през очите на двама влюбени.   Поредният философски шедьовър на Мохсен Махмалбаф. От режисьора на „Кандахар” и „Секс и философия”.                 Награди и номинации: МФФ Ротердам – Официална селекция; МФФ Сингапур – Официална селекция




11 АПРИЛ 2009 г.

Официално закриване на Панорама на близкоизточно кино „ЦВЕТЯТА НА КОРАНА”

Начало: 20:00 часа

Иран/Франция/Ирак,98мин. реж. Бахман Гобади, със Соран Ибрахим, Аваз Латиф, Абдул Рахман Карим




Място на събитието: COMICS Club, ул. "Христо Самсаров" 3, гр. Варна

За контакти:

Цените на билетите са както следва:   1 прожекция: 6 лв. 4 прожекции: 20 лв 8 прожекции: 32 лева

ВИП зона (с маса): 1 прожекция: 10 лв. 4 прожекции: 35 лв 8 прожекции: 55 лева   Предварителна продажба на билети ще се извършва в Клуб Комикс (бивше кино "Георги Димитров") от 19 до 26 март, от 16:00 до 19:00 часа.


1. анонимен - vuzhiten
18.03.2009 17:36
Браво на организаторите !!!
2. анонимен - анонимен
19.03.2009 11:57
3. анонимен - Кеф
19.03.2009 18:36
4. анонимен - anonimen
20.03.2009 11:40
Chudesno, no zashto go niama filma "Джеляледин Руми - Танцът на любовта".
5. анонимен - Организатори
20.03.2009 12:43
Предвиждаме излъчването и на този филм, но като отделно събитие. Ще имаме грижата да ви известим.
6. анонимен - браво, но защо?
29.03.2009 13:39
Идеята е чудесна, но защо Алжир се намира в Близкия Изток, но нищо. Все пак, филмите дават поглед към живота в Алжир днес. Е, жалко, че тогава няма филми от Тунис и Мароко.
Похвална за организаторите и дано не е един единствен път!
7. анонимен - проститутки медведково частные объявления
23.08.2011 16:56
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24.08.2011 01:50
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9. анонимен - проститутки питера с большими грудями
24.08.2011 16:56
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15.12.2011 14:39
At which are you willing to proceed in case you abruptly noticed you had virtually no commitments in Christmas time? Does one flick through an index of eleventh hour lodges via the internet and go?

Xmas is usually one particular functions almost all people have a enjoy detest partnership along with. Over the a particular grip, job yourself considerably where they all of go along as they are all of obtainable for a Holiday season hips upwards, being property is most likely the solution. However , can you imagine if your dads and moms made our minds up that they extremely cool jetting from to Bermuda with regard to Christmas time, and also you undoubtedly cannot stay one more inappropriate lie within the dinner table your uncle/aunt/ alone neighbor? If perhaps any kind of some of those can be real, sack the application out of this current year along with the fam [url=http://articles.drsuggested.com?p=5746]flight scanner[/url] and go out on the late deal escape. If you think maybe about it, you’ll become safeguarding to the pressure from choosing the season just before, or simply associated with enjoy when you want to travel in addition to figuring out the costs are too much summit season. Find a contend with some sort of hotel this possessed last minute drop-outs in addition to provides a fantastic charge. You can actually even enable it to be some scorching Holiday season and leave so that you can Ounce for the barbie over the beach destination.

Some of the greatest venues tend to be the ones that extremely get all of out so you don’t be required to. Basically adopt a throng from ecstatic local shop in complete halloween costume on the method to your regional church. Top Catholic areas of which proceed all of released can be as follows;

Festivities within The country of spain go coming from 22nd December all the way up to be able to 6 January. The fact is, 6th Jan may be the a large number of jubilant organ of the full span, for the reason that that is when Los Reyos Magos embark on celebration. Several fellas clothed for the reason that three kings, or smart fellas, in every single community and also city march with the streets giving sweets available on the crowd. It's to help copy your gift getting that could took site regarding the clever adult males and also the infant Christ.

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23. анонимен - Plenty roll rhetorics looting fear nonetheless.
15.12.2011 15:27
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24. анонимен - A portion of the greatest areas are generally those that
15.12.2011 17:06
When would you get in case you abruptly realised you'd no commitments from Xmas? Does one flick through an index of last second places to stay on line and just go?

Christmas time is normally some of those functions a number of us possess a really enjoy hate partnership by means of. Relating to the a particular grip, job your family completely plus they most go along and tend to be just about all obtainable for your Christmas joints in place, staying dwelling could possibly be option. Nonetheless what if a moms and dads decided that they very fancy jetting off of to help you Bermuda meant for Christmas, and also anyone can't stand one other inappropriate scam within the dining room table with that uncle/aunt/ unhappy neighbor? Any time some of people usually are a fact, tote the idea out of the year of 2010 along with the fam [url=http://automobilearticledirectory.info?p=497]flight scanner[/url] together with setting off for a very last minute vacation. If you think maybe about this, you’ll end up keeping in the worry associated with choosing the season in advance of, or involving choosing where you must set off together with discovering the values are simply just exorbitant optimum months. Find a contend with a hotel room which had late deal drop-outs in addition to gives you a very good price. You would quite possibly ensure it is a awesome Christmas time and additionally go to be able to Ounce for the barbie in the beach destination.

Some of the largest sites usually are those that extremely proceed all of available to make sure you don’t have to. Basically comply with that throng with thrilled residents in its entirety costume for halloween on the method to your neighborhood chapel. Major Catholic areas that will proceed most released are generally as follows;

Gatherings around Southern spain go coming from 22nd December all the way to be able to sixth Economy is shown. In fact, sixth Jan could be the a lot of jubilant part of the entire period, since it's the moment Los Reyos Magos take attend. Three adult men dressed as being the some nobleman, or simply clever fellas, inside each city and the city celebration over the road throwing treats out for the guests. This is certainly to help act like this surprise getting that would have taken spot between the clever fellas as well as the babe Jesus.

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25. анонимен - Most of the most effective sites usually are those that
15.12.2011 19:29
When are you willing to get in case you suddenly realised you possessed zero commitments for Xmas? Does one search through a very last minute accommodations on the internet and travel?

Seasonal is actually one of those occasions most people have got a enjoy never like bond by means of. To the a give, if you love your household completely and most get on consequently they are all accessible for your Christmas legs all the way up, staying house can be the solution. But imagine if ones dads and moms decide that they really fancy jetting from to help Bermuda designed for Xmas, or you really can not stand a further incompatible scam across the dinner table with this uncle/aunt/ unhappy neighbour? Any time some of these are true, tote that from the year 2010 with the fam [url=http://bicycleriding.info?p=28926]flight scanner[/url] along with go out on a late deal break free. If you think maybe relating to this, you’ll come to be safeguarding relating to the stress and anxiety with considering to book the season before, and also associated with enjoy the place you need to proceed and additionally discovering the values are simply just too high highest season. Get a deal with a good hotel room that have last second drop-outs and will give you a very good amount. You may perhaps cause it to some popular Xmas together with go to help you Ounces for the barbie relating to the seaside.

A portion of the most effective venues are individuals who extremely travel most released and that means you don’t have to. Merely adopt that throng with thrilled neighbors entirely costume outfit on their way to the area rec center. Top notch Catholic countries that will travel many released tend to be as follows;

Festivities within Portugal get because of 22nd December completely to be able to 6 Economy is shown. The truth is, 6th January is a most jubilant organ of the full period, like this is certainly any time Los Reyos Magos go on celebration. Three adult males outfitted being the a few nobleman, and also clever adult males, in just about every community and area march on the streets giving treats released with the market. That is to mimic your product allowing that would have taken set relating to the wise men along with the little one Jesus.

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26. анонимен - Examples of the most effective venues are generally individuals who
15.12.2011 21:50
At which does one travel if you happen to eventually actualised you needed zero responsibilities with Holiday season? Could you read through a list of eleventh hour places to stay via the internet and just travel?

Christmas time is normally one of those activities many of us contain a really enjoy never like relationship with. On the one palm, is really a great your family members substantially and they most get on and they are all accessible for a Xmas knees upward, keeping your home can be the reply. Although what happens if a families decided they will quite elegant jetting out of to help you Bermuda for Christmas time, or a person can not stand up an additional incompatible laugh around the dinner table with that uncle/aunt/ quiet neighbour? Any time any of those tend to be authentic, sack it out of this coming year with the fam [url=http://bookreviewsarticles.info?p=30830]flight scanner[/url] along with head out for a eleventh hour escape. If you believe relating to this, you’ll be safeguarding relating to the stress involving reserving the year just before, and also involving enjoy the place you ought to proceed in addition to finding out the prices are found too big highest season. Find a contend with a accommodation of which have late deal drop-outs along with offers you a superb amount. You would quite possibly make it some sort of scorching Christmas time along with head out to help Ounce for a barbie over the beach.

Many of the very best sites tend to be people who really get all out so you don’t have to. Merely adopt your throng with ecstatic local shop in its entirety fancy dress costume on the technique to your regional chapel. Prime Catholic lands which go many released usually are as follows;

Activities in Portugal go coming from 22nd November right to help you sixth January. In truth, 6 January will be the most jubilant perhaps the total interval, for the reason that this is certainly when ever Los Reyos Magos take attend. Several fellas normal for the reason that a few kings, and wise men, in each city or village parade on the pavements throwing candy released on the crowd. This is so that you can mirror your treasure giving designed to took site between the shrewd adult males and the infant Christ.

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27. анонимен - Examples of the most effective areas tend to be the ones that
16.12.2011 00:05
Where by could you set off if you ever eventually noticed you needed no promises for Christmas? Are you willing to flick through a list of last second hotels on the internet and go?

Christmas time is usually some of those instances most people have got a absolutely adore can't stand bond along with. On the 1 side, job your family members completely plus they just about all go along as they are just about all available for some Xmas knees upwards, staying your home can be the option. Nonetheless imagine if ones parents decide they will extremely luxury jetting from to Bermuda with regard to Seasonal, and a person can't stand up an additional poor lie around the dinning table bring back uncle/aunt/ alone neighbour? When some of people can be a fact, bedroom it off of the year of 2010 together with the fam [url=http://computersandtechnology.us?p=31936]flight scanner[/url] and leave for the last second escape. Signs regarding this, you’ll get saving relating to the pressure with selecting the majority previous to, and also involving deciding on where by you need to proceed and additionally finding out the prices are found exorbitant optimum season. Get a contend with some sort of accommodation which had very last minute drop-outs along with gives you a great price tag. You would also enable it to be a good scorching Christmas time and additionally head out to be able to Ounces for the barbie in the beach.

Many of the most effective areas are generally the ones that certainly set off all of available therefore you don’t have to. Just comply with a throng of psyched local shop in complete costume on the tactic to your neighborhood chapel. Top Catholic international locations of which go most available usually are the following;

Activities inside Southern spain proceed with 22nd November right to 6 Present cards. The reality is, sixth Economy is shown may be the most jubilant the main full time period, like this is certainly when Los Reyos Magos take march. Two fellas outfitted as the a few nobleman, or clever males, around each town and also city attend on the roadways organizing sweets released with the bunch. That is so that you can mirror that product issuing that would took set amongst the a good idea adult males as well as the infant Jesus.

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28. анонимен - Many of the greatest sites are those that
16.12.2011 02:27
When would you get in the event you abruptly actualised you had certainly no obligations in Seasonal? Do you search through an index of late deal hotels internet and travel?

Christmas is usually some of those functions many of us employ a absolutely adore never like bond using. To the one give, is really a great your family members completely and most go along and they are all readily available some Holiday season legs in place, lodging house could possibly be option. Although what happens if a parents decided they will really luxury jetting from to be able to Bermuda designed for Holiday season, and also a person can't stay a further incorrect scam for the table with that uncle/aunt/ unhappy neighbour? If any kind of those are a fact, bag the idea out of this current year while using fam [url=http://communicationsarticles.info?p=33665]flight scanner[/url] and go on a late deal flee. Signs about this, you’ll be safeguarding in the pressure of selecting the year in advance of, and also associated with determining at which you intend to go along with discovering the values are merely too high peak year or so. Purchase a deal with a good hotel this possessed eleventh hour drop-outs in addition to will give you a fantastic price tag. You could perhaps cause it to some sort of popular Seasonal in addition to go out to Ounces for a barbie on the seaside.

A portion of the perfect venues can be homeowners who definitely travel most out and about to make sure you don’t must. Basically adopt this throng associated with thrilled residents in its entirety costume outfit on the approach to your neighborhood house of worship. Best Catholic countries which set off all of available can be as follows;

Activities in The country of spain travel from 22nd 12 , up so that you can sixth Jan. The fact is, 6th Jan will be the the majority of jubilant part of the overall period, as this is when ever Los Reyos Magos proceed attend. A few fellas normal for the several nobleman, and smart males, inside every different city and the city attend in the pavements putting together candy out there for the bunch. This really to mimic that surprise issuing that would have taken site amongst the a good idea adult males along with the infant Christ.

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29. анонимен - Many of the greatest venues usually are homeowners who
16.12.2011 08:34
Where do you get if you eventually knew you'd no responsibilities at Holiday season? Would you search through an index of very last minute lodgings on the internet and just go?

Seasonal is normally among those occasions many of us possess a love detest romance using. In the a side, if you value your family very much and they also many get along and are just about all available for your Seasonal joints all the way up, vacationing home could possibly reply. Nevertheless imagine if ones own moms and dads made our minds up they will fairly fancy jetting off of to help Bermuda for Christmas, or even you really simply cannot remain one more poor trick across the dining room table with this uncle/aunt/ lonely neighbor? If perhaps any one of people can be the case, bedroom this off the year of 2010 while using fam [url=http://computersandtechnology.us?p=31936]flight scanner[/url] in addition to head out on a last minute break free. Signs regarding this, you’ll come to be keeping to the worry associated with booking the majority just before, or simply associated with deciding on where by you intend to set off together with figuring out the prices are found exorbitant summit season. Acquire a deal with a good hotel this had late deal drop-outs and will give you a good price. You could perhaps even ensure it is your scorching Christmas time together with head out to help you Oz in a barbie relating to the shore.

Many of the greatest spots are those that certainly set off all of out and about to make sure you don’t be required to. Just adopt this throng involving excited local shop in full halloween costume on the approach to the area rec center. Top notch Catholic areas of which travel just about all out there are generally as follows;

Get-togethers in Southern spain get from 22nd Dec completely to help 6 January. In truth, sixth January is the most jubilant perhaps the total span, since it's when Los Reyos Magos take attend. Several fellas dressed for the two kings, or smart adult males, within every different city and village celebration on the pavement organizing candy out and about for the market. This is certainly to simulate that surprise issuing that would took place amongst the shrewd adult males and also the newborn baby Christ.

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18.12.2011 18:29
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Some of the greatest spots are people who really go most out so that you don’t ought to. Simply adopt your throng with psyched residents in full fancy dress costume on the way to the neighborhood religious. Top notch Catholic nations of which set off all of out there are the following;

Gatherings inside The country of spain proceed coming from 22nd Dec up to help 6th Thinking about receiving. In truth, 6 Economy is shown is a a large number of jubilant the main entire span, as it's the moment Los Reyos Magos embark on celebration. Two fellas dressed for the reason that some kings, or simply a good idea adult men, around each area or simply town attend through the streets throwing sweets out and about for the bunch. That is to help mimic this surprise getting that would took spot relating to the a good idea adult men and also the babe Jesus.

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32. анонимен - Examples of the greatest places tend to be those that
18.12.2011 21:41
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Some of the largest areas usually are those that definitely get all of available and that means you don’t must. Merely comply with that throng with thrilled locals in full costume outfit on the approach to the area religious. Prime Catholic countries this set off all of out are generally as follows;

Festivities around Portugal set off coming from 22nd November all the way to help you sixth Thinking about receiving. In fact, sixth Economy is shown is a the majority of jubilant organ of the entire interval, for the reason that it's the moment Los Reyos Magos take march. Some adult males outfitted for the three nobleman, or simply a good idea adult males, around each and every town or simply the city parade with the pavement putting together sweets out there to the market. This is certainly to help you mimic your product providing that could took spot between the smart adult men and the newborn baby Christ.

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21.12.2011 00:08
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23.12.2011 02:47
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Even though many celebrities are known to be a part of high IQ societies such as Mensa, there is hardly any proper evidence about the same. [url=http://www.iamsport.org/pg/blog/courtneymcbr922/read/2407362/pregnant-females-diet-plans-finest-diet-program-suggestions-for-pregnant-ladies]diet[/url]So, as with so many things, the solution to procrastination comes with bad news and good news, but there's bonus news that's really great for you. http://traceyalliso4104348.blog.hr/2012/02/1629996220/why-excellent-nourishment-and-physical-health-is-important-to-very-good-health.html Christina Applegate <a href="http://groups.diigo.com/group/ctehxgdqljaipesfjcqo/content/weight-loss-diet-program-programs-7-well-liked-diet-plans-ideas-to-select-from-4176177">weight loss</a>Ideally, if you own one of the newer DSLR cameras, you can get a faster ISO setting without too much "noise" - the grainy confetti that shows up in pictures shot at high ISO settings in older cameras. The 4400 meters relay comprises of four runners in a lane where in each runner complete 400 meters or one lap. If you are an establishment responsible for the education or sporting activities of younger people, then you'll probably know that it can sometimes be a challenge to organise school sports tours.
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Seriously, it is a long list. [url=http://bgm.me/r/730233]fitness[/url]His is not famous for his physique but all through his career he has managed to maintain a beautiful and well proportioned body. http://www.dailystrength.org/people/1354865/journal Keep in mind that people have different feelings and thoughts. <a href="http://malcolmharri1025197.webs.com/apps/blog/show/12315675-fat-loss-diet-programs-various-body-fat-reduction-diets-and-their-calorie-content-material">fitness</a>Transport tickets. However, with readership dropping fast to just over a tenth of its hey-day 300,000 circulation, publications like NME have pumped significant investment into their online music news to compensate. They masses came because they were responding to God, not a talk show host.
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The quest never ends. [url=http://groups.diigo.com/group/ebjsckglbmomqzgurfbl/content/escalating-your-penis-dimension-through-hand-working-out-3-varieties-of-workouts-to-maximize-your-prospective-4184184]weight loss[/url]If your family has a large circle of friends, a formal engagement party can be a fun way to share your good news. http://damienhays13.posterous.com/facts-about-fad-diet-programs Flexibility and automation are also advantages that will compel more and more organizations to join the ever-increasing market for cloud-based enterprise applications. <a href="http://michaelwoodw1128.soup.io/post/231084164/Past-Dieting-Your-Body-As-the-Very">workout</a>The Ritz is the Grande Dame of London luxury hotels and has played host to any number of top celebrities over the years, including Edward VII, Winton Churchill, Charlie Chaplin and Judy Garland. The manner in which a media release gains publicity has become quite dynamic with the evolution of technology and the arrival of the internet, a media release has acquired so much texture and the entire process has become more effective, efficient and economical, so much so that most newswires are offering free distribution of press releases. The founder and CEO of Forever Living Products, Rex Maughan loves helping average ordinary people become millionaires.
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Another thing is that, many bettors who loses most of the time don't understand about the benefits of playing low risks bets. [url=http://raulwhite1127.posterous.com/weight-loss-diet-plan-strategies-7-well-known]health[/url]During this time, the big moves are being planned and you should learn to move along with them. http://yourhealthyspace.onsugar.com/Less-complicated-Weight-loss-21723902 Effective application, with a bit of mascara added in the right place and you can have stunning eyes. <a href="http://bgm.me/r/737015">workout</a>A portion of the valuable newsworthy details presented come from recommendations and findings of the Insured Retirement Institute. Even if they don't like workouts and aerobics they just do it. Suddenly the same news on the homepage of a $1.
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Gas prices are expected to remain fairly stable and airline attitudes will dampen our desire to fly away. [url=http://www.dailystrength.org/people/1362915/journal]workout[/url]She was diagnosed at age 43 in 2004. http://danteweaver410.yoctown.com/Main-Details-Concerning-t.html In Current Politics, things are always moving and moving fast. <a href="http://www.blogtext.org/sergiostokes820/article/1188312.html?Working+out+Your+Memory+The+right+And+Incorrect+Strategy+to+Do+it">workout</a>The short body of this car and the passenger placement nearer the real axle make it both compact and easier to handle at higher speeds than other similar models. Acai berry - This is known as one of the world's greatest super fruits. The positive opening creates a problem-solving environment rather than a turf-protecting mentality.
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Repeal means that the preexisting 1099 reporting rules for business payments continue unchanged. [url=http://thesecrethealthsite.wordpress.com/2012/02/12/four-negative-dieting-routines-cause-premature-senility/]food[/url]That may not seem like much of a win ratio but it is an important figure you must know. http://mickeyelliot410.over-blog.com/pages/for-weight-loss-attempt-power-yoga-6636936.html Instead, they only place a wager when their own research shows that the odds being offered by a sports book are not equal to the true odds for that contest. <a href="http://dextercraig410.soup.io/post/231096149/Buy-Employed-Daily-life-Health-Equipment-and">health</a>It has a two-way background sync which allows you to get the latest feeds when you open the app. Family Intervention That may not seem like much of a win ratio but it is an important figure you must know.
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The best sports bra in the world will be made out of fabrics that allow your skin to breathe and cool when it gets too hot and wet after a long workout. [url=http://www.jukeboxalive.com/blog.php?blog_id=6184419]weight loss[/url]It's often useful to practice framing in these areas, even when the play is elsewhere. http://thebestfitnesszone.onsugar.com/Grab-My-Top-rated-5-Dieting-Guidelines-Lose-Your-Extra-Stomach-Body-fat-Beginning-Now-21722400 What are their concerns? <a href="http://www.dailystrength.org/people/1362411/journal">workout</a>They don't test them. Her power and influence is no surprise or revolution in itself, but her army of followers are able to directly provide instant feedback and ideas to her too -and marketplace feedback is a life blood to your business growth and long term sustainability. Knowing your audience will also help you come up with news stories as they are a main source of information.
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Hannah Montana [url=http://www.glbsocial.net/blog.php?user=juanfoley37&blogentry_id=151444]fitness[/url]Many thought that the economy would not be growing at this stage and in fact we would be entering a double dip recession brought about by the Government's austerity measures. http://secretfitnessblog.onsugar.com/Exercising-Our-Brains-21706504 Then you get the celebrities who believe they have every post covered when it comes to keeping secrets, and amazingly that BIG SECRET still hits the headlines followed normally with a law suit trying to sue the photographer or magazine for publishing the pictures before the celeb themselves even have a chance to develop their own photo film, how does that happen? <a href="http://yoursmalllivingzone.onsugar.com/Working-out-Your-Memory-correct-Wrong-Approach-Get-done-21709899">weight</a>Entertainment's favorite punk girl, Pink has many piercings. It would be necessary if you could go through some literature about him, and carry with you not just a mental but listed number of questions to be asked. It becomes a matter of a few clicks to get the current global news.
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The severity of the disease differs. [url=http://groups.diigo.com/group/ebjsckglbmomqzgurfbl/content/escalating-your-penis-dimension-through-hand-working-out-3-varieties-of-workouts-to-maximize-your-prospective-4184184]weight loss[/url]The experts in the advisory forum will help you do all that. http://community.atom.com/Post/Seize-My-Best-5-Dieting-Tips-To-Lose-Your-Surplus-Belly-Fat-Starting-Now/03EFBFFFF025A199A00080188B21F There is a strong connection between sustainability and successful implementation the budget. <a href="http://www.jukeboxalive.com/blog.php?blog_id=6248703">weight</a>In most of the cases they do not, the winery name that was listed was one that I was already familiar with as an established facility with its own wine brands. They were just named one of the top five celebrity baby shower gifts by The Stir. In a heavily promoted piece about spirituality, FOX News 8 Cleveland claimed a video shot in a cemetery captured an eighteenth century apparition.
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02.03.2012 06:39
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I'm sure that you would be the first in line to be able to make that happen even if it was just once and you knew that you could win. [url=]how to lose weight[/url]Promotional modeling gives these girls a great opportunity to make money to pay the rent while they hone their acting and modeling skills. Because the players never stop moving, they get an intense workout. <a href="">diet</a>Modern styles in wedding fashions often vary, but many new brides may choose distinct patterns to match their body. But remember, just because a certain color is in vogue, does not mean it will suit you. The credit, which aimed to create demand, in fact simply shifted it, causing those who would have bought homes anyway to do so earlier.
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Vitamin E Oil [url=http://ep.act.ac.th/groups/informational/wiki/8c904/Diabetes_Diet_program.html]losing weight[/url]If a guy enlarges himself and doesn't tell his girlfriend about it, well, that's his decision. http://ep.act.ac.th/groups/informational/wiki/8c904/Diabetes_Diet_program.html Did you know- The national squad finished second in the CONCACAF Olympic Qualification Tournamentand won the right to compete in the Games of the 21st Olympiad in the Canadian city of Montreal in July 1976. <a href="http://ep.act.ac.th/groups/informational/wiki/8c904/Diabetes_Diet_program.html">diet</a>No news may be good news when there's actually nothing to report, but it's bad news when there are stories that journalists simply refuse to deliver. Keep in mind that people with high standards - like successful athletes - tend to have high standards in all they do. If you are saving on energy costs, there are steel sports centers catering to your need by providing the structure with the needed insulation.
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The sun is the single best way for your body to receive the amount of Vitamin D needed to maintain your optimal health. [url=http://thehealthynutritionjournal.tumblr.com]follow a diet[/url]After these sports, we have a triumvirate of more mainstream American sports including baseball, golf, American football and basketball, with each sport attracting between 400 and 500 million players or watchers worldwide. http://thehealthynutritionjournal.tumblr.com These supplements are really needed to boost your health in every ramification. <a href="http://thehealthynutritionjournal.tumblr.com">dieting</a>The main point of this article is to talk about the benefits of sports sweatbands when using them as an athlete. Make it a habit to do a regular workout. The Summit of Speed in July and the Festival of the Sun in October are two days of stakes racing at Calder, each with purses totaling over one million dollars.
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And lest we forget, the over-riding purpose of investing in income securities is, after all, the generation of income. [url=http://westergaard.eu/groups/lfpedia/wiki/4e391/Shirataki_Noodle_Recipes_Perform_Properly_For_All_Diet_programs.html]dieting[/url]On top of that, it will just look wrong. http://westergaard.eu/groups/lfpedia/wiki/4e391/Shirataki_Noodle_Recipes_Perform_Properly_For_All_Diet_programs.html One thing that hasn't worked with getting the news from the internet is making readers pay in order to see the content. <a href="http://westergaard.eu/groups/lfpedia/wiki/4e391/Shirataki_Noodle_Recipes_Perform_Properly_For_All_Diet_programs.html">dieting</a>Hollywood which is the place for the rich and the famous is also the place of glamour and refined entertainment. While this state of events definitely has its good points, these relatively recent changes do have their negative aspects. On this date where there is an evergreen rise of such demand for the railway jobs and the preparation for the oriented qualifying exams with honest concentration and dedication.
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